This is the second in a series on mental health, by David Paulin. David Paulin is a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Instructor for Kelly’s Cause, one of the leading providers of hospitality specific MHFA in the UK. ...
David Paulin is a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Instructor for Kelly’s Cause, one of the leading providers of hospitality specific MHFA in the UK. He also works as a Project Manager, designing and delivering programmes which use ...
Ivan Tisdall-Downes and Imogen Davis are now well-established restaurateurs on the London dining scene. Their journey to get there can only be described as a true display of entrepreneurial prowess, complete with tests of character and the constant ...
The success of all pop-ups, supper clubs and events relies on really watertight planning. But life can be full of surprises, and the unexpected can really derail all of those best-laid plans. That’s something that Rav and Terri ...
This is a fabulous example of our Countertalk community creating positive change from the ground up.
Following our shout-out for examples of great maternity policies in the maternity industry, we received an eye-opening total of... nothing. Instead, we received ...
“With pop-ups, it’s like… BIG SHINY THING! COME HERE NOW! Buy my tickets to my thing because I’m only going to be here for a minute! And luckily, touch wood, we always sold out. But now, it’s not that. ...
When we talk about sustainability in our industry, we frequently do it alongside pictures of fluffy rare breeds roaming free over rugged countryside, or wide-eyed visiting chefs walking through verdant vegetable-filled greenhouses. The glamorous ...