

We conducted a survey of almost 200 female chefs, and this report is the result. As recent controversies have shown us, if we want kitchens to change, this report cannot remain a survey of women read only by women. This is a report for all of us.
Too often, conversations about gender inequality in the hospitality industry remain within an echo chamber of those already affected by it. Women know the barriers they face, but for real change to happen, those who hold power—who dominate leadership roles, control hiring decisions, and shape workplace culture—must acknowledge the problem too. Gender inequality in professional kitchens is not just a “women’s issue.” It affects the talent pool, the quality of leadership, the future of the industry, and the next generation of chefs. Without broad recognition of these issues, the cycle of exclusion, bias, and missed opportunity will continue unchecked.
Despite increasing numbers of female chefs, professional kitchens remain deeply entrenched in gender biases. Women continue to face barriers to career progression, systemic discrimination, and a culture that too often sidelines their contributions. The kitchen’s frequently rigid hierarchy, relentless hours, and hyper-masculine traditions have made it difficult for many women to rise to leadership positions. Too often, female chefs are funnelled into pastry or other perceived “softer” roles, paid less than their male counterparts, and left to navigate an industry where sexism remains an unspoken norm.
The image of a chef remains overwhelmingly male—often white, straight, maybe covered in tattoos. This stereotype doesn’t just misrepresent the reality of professional kitchens; it actively shapes it. When women don’t see themselves reflected in the industry, many are discouraged from pursuing careers in it. And when they aren’t present, it signals to others that they don’t belong. This cycle reinforces inequality, sustains a workplace culture that undervalues women, and limits the talent pool.
Recent industry conversations have exposed these realities. The backlash against a well-known chef defending his male-only kitchen team as the result of “no women applying” is one example of how gender inequality is still excused. Likewise, when chef Jason Atherton dismissed the existence of sexism in kitchens, it sparked widespread outrage from female chefs who saw his comments as emblematic of the industry’s wider refusal to acknowledge its systemic issues. These responses highlight a persistent problem: those with the power to drive change too often deny the need for it.
This report seeks to shift that narrative by centering the voices of female chefs. Based on survey data and industry insights, it explores the lived experiences of women in professional kitchens, the barriers they face, and the changes needed to foster a more inclusive and equitable industry. From issues of representation to workplace culture, from career progression to pay disparity, the findings illuminate the challenges that persist—and the urgent need for systemic reform.
By understanding these realities, we can move beyond excuses and toward meaningful change. This report is a call to action for an industry that must do better—not just for women, but for the future of kitchens everywhere.

The below statistics, quotes and analyses are an abbreviated version of the full report and data set. If you would like the complete version for your own journalistic use we would be delighted to provide it to you – please email service@countertalk.co.uk with your request.

Who responded?

The survey respondents represent a broad spectrum of professional experiences, with a significant majority (over 75%) having more than five years of industry experience. This indicates that the challenges highlighted in the survey are not merely the struggles of entry-level chefs but are experienced by women at all stages of their careers, including those in leadership roles.

Authority and Recognition

Key Data:

  • Authority Ignored: Over 38% of female chefs feel that their authority is often or always ignored, while only 20% report that their authority is rarely or never ignored.
  • Recognition of Contributions: A mere 28% of women believe their contributions are equally recognized compared to their male counterparts.


The tendency to dismiss or overlook the authority of female chefs has far-reaching implications for the wider hospitality industry. When women’s voices are routinely ignored, it not only stifles innovation but also reinforces a culture where women are seen as less capable leaders. This perception significantly impacts career progression, as women are less likely to be offered leadership roles if their authority is not respected.

For young women entering the industry, the lack of visible female leaders who are respected and recognized for their contributions can be profoundly discouraging. Many talented chefs may choose to leave the industry rather than endure years of being undermined and underappreciated. The absence of diverse leadership also means that the industry misses out on a wealth of perspectives that could enhance creativity, problem-solving, and customer appeal.


  • Merit-Based Promotions: Establish clear, merit-based criteria for promotions that focus on skills and contributions rather than personal connections or gender biases. Transparent promotion policies would also help in retaining talented female chefs who often leave due to a lack of career progression.
  • Training Programs: Implement comprehensive training on unconscious bias, gender equality, and leadership for all staff. Effective training programs have been shown to significantly reduce biases in industries like finance and tech, suggesting that similar approaches could benefit the hospitality sector.
  • Anonymous Feedback Systems: Introduce anonymous feedback systems for staff to report instances where contributions are ignored or credit is misallocated. Companies like Microsoft have successfully implemented similar systems to tackle bias.


“When I’ve suggested methods or ways of streamlining complicated cooking/pastry making processes. The senior chefs often mention that “I’m too smart for my own good/or for a junior chef”. They’re not happy as it’s often seen as I’m undermining their cooking philosophies or kitchen authority. Often times they would take my suggestion but turn it around and implement it as if the idea originally came from them.”


“Every time I’m assertive people take it as rudeness. If a man says the exact thing, there’s no repercussions. When I do have my superiors coming in the business, saying the same things as I do, team takes it seriously but not with me. There’s always the frustration of having to deal with not being heard or being scene as temperamental.”


“I had a boss refuse to have one on one meeting worth me, despite him being my direct supervisor, because he did not want the other male colleagues to think something was happening between him and me.”


“When I ask colleagues to fulfil tasks and they either ignore or retaliate as if I wasn’t in a position to ask. When male colleagues ask they are listened to and the task is fulfilled without conflict/snarky comments. “


“If something breaks or malfunctions etc I’m not believed and the issue isn’t acknowledged until a man says so regardless of me being right. Very frustrating especially when it’s simple electrical issue such as a socket not working, I am not allowed to contact someone to fix it unless a male colleague identifies the socket is not working or a male confirms the issue I have already identified. Prolongs the issue unecessarily and wastes time if they had just taken my word as I have enough experience to know what I’m talking about…very frustrating indeed.”


“I have watched my boss repeatedly praise my male coworker (in a position of lesser authority) on Instagram, tagging him constantly and posting his work, while I received little to no recognition. I was working 12-15 hour days and giving everything I had, but only received criticism and areas in which I was deficient.”

Gender-Based Challenges and Perceptions

Key Data:

  • Gender Ratio: Over half of the kitchens are reported to be predominantly male.
  • Spoken to Differently: Almost half of the respondents report being frequently spoken to differently due to their gender, with 72% citing patronising comments and 60% experiencing frequent interruptions.
  • Perceived Capability: 79% of female chefs feel that the public perceives them differently compared to male chefs.


The male-dominated nature of professional kitchens perpetuates a cycle where gender-based biases are normalized. The frequent use of patronizing language and dismissive attitudes not only erodes women’s confidence but also signals to younger women entering the industry that they will face an uphill battle for respect and recognition.


This perception of women as less capable also affects how customers view female chefs. If customers consistently see male chefs in leadership roles, they are likely to develop unconscious biases that further entrench these stereotypes. The broader industry suffers as a result, as these biases limit the diversity of ideas and leadership styles that are crucial for innovation and customer satisfaction.


“Had a customer completely overlook me in an open kitchen and thank the male chef for their meal, even though everything they ate for that meal was cooked on my section. Also had a customer come to thank myself and the chef for the meal, and he said ‘thank you chef, and cheffette’”


“I think we’ve all been a bit hard wired to see the typical Gordon Ramsay character as typical as a chef. Prominent female chefs have always been more pigeonholed as home cooks – see Delia and Nigella, who despite their huge contribution to British food culture, conjure up either a homey / sexualised kitchen image rather than that of a boss.”


“I have never felt confident in my ability. I constantly doubt myself and have a belief that my male counterparts are more experienced than me. I am always so afraid of making a mistake or not knowing how to do something whereas I have watched male peers plough into a job without the requisite skill or knowledge and not hesitate in doing so. “


“Used almost as a pawn to “punish” other male chefs struggling on a section. I.e. moved onto that section because I can do it with a “look even she can do it” mentality “


“Male chefs often be so surprised when a young woman as achieved a high position or have lot more experience. Comment like “so as I’m your age can have your job too?” “Don’t speak to me like that, I know you are the chef but we are the same age” “


“It dismisses my presence. Makes me feel like I am fitting the position of a puppet… so often in the days the head chef is not around I have no control over the team. I feel like I have the position that I have because it’s convenient for the company (to show off the only woman in the place) rather than it being based on my actual skills “


“When you are constantly working to be acknowledged as equal or respected within a space your energy is spent on feeling like you are not a part of a team. This creates a drain on your social and physical wellbeing. Exclusion or lack of recognition in a group is one of the most harmful behaviours that can be put on humans due to our natural tendency to be in groups. This in turn affects the overall wellbeing and capacity to engage in the space. It facilitates feelings of exclusion, imposter syndrome and insignificance which hurt a persons ability to feel valued and have agency to do their job well. “


“It’s really undermined my confidence. I already felt like I had to prove my value more than the guys, and the general behaviour has chipped away at my self esteem. “


“Feeling vulnerable, distracted, uncomfortable, unconfident, invisible, unwanted, replaceable, used, without dignity, smashed, emotional, frustrated, angry, irascible, under pressure, anxious, feels like they are sucking my passion for my job out of me. “

Harassment in the Workplace

Key Data:

  • Prevalence of Harassment: 75% of female chefs reported experiencing harassment in the workplace.
  • Management Support: Only 14% felt supported by management when addressing harassment, while 47% felt unsupported.


The widespread prevalence of harassment in professional kitchens is one of the most pressing issues affecting women in hospitality. From inappropriate comments and physical intimidation to workplace bullying, harassment creates a toxic work environment that discourages women from staying in the industry.


When female chefs report harassment and receive little to no support from management, it reinforces the perception that their concerns are not taken seriously. The reluctance of management to take action often stems from a desire to protect senior male chefs or maintain the status quo, rather than prioritising the safety and well-being of employees. This inaction not only results in high turnover rates but also damages the industry’s reputation, making it less appealing for young women considering a culinary career.


“Big time sexual harassment, and because I’m queer the excuse of “oh it doesn’t count because she’s gay” gets thrown around a lot”


“One chef interrupted an onboarding conversation to wave a file in my face. The trainer said “don’t do that” and he replied “it’s because she’s f***ing sexy” I said “I really don’t like you saying that” and his response was to aggressively say “oh f*** off”. It definitely made me a target. He was a massive personality in the kitchen that all the guys loved. He once told me an anecdote about waiting the salt for sugar when a female student was making scones at culinary school. He frequently told me which female staff he hated. I definitely felt targeted by this bloke. What I guess I’m trying to say is there is very active sabotage from some male chefs. It’s not just an attitude people have, it’s harassment.”


“it takes away a lot of energy and excitement for the job if you constantly have to deal with dodgy behaviour and treatment where you are always have to consider if it makes the situation better or worse if you flag that with hr or the head chef – as you already are treated as not as much fun or as easy as ‘the lads’ (also because you always have your guards up to avoid uncomfortable interactions with any of the colleagues)”


“When I reported sexual misconduct at work it was dismissed and laughed off. When I went back a few months later and reported on behalf of a further 3 other members of staff, it was not dealt with adequately and led to several members of staff leaving and virtually no consequences for the perpetrator. I think workplaces should have an obligation to have clear policies in place and to communicate all policies and procedures to their staff from the beginning. In hindsight it was a steep learning curve and I would be very cautious to agree to work anywhere that didn’t have proper HR in place.”


“Once you speak up about bullies or aggressive behaviour towards you or just things that make your job difficult but could be changed, I feel like people put a stamp on you/dont take you serious anymore as you are just too critical or sensitive. I often got paid less then male colleagues despite having more experience!”

Parental Policies

Key Data:

  • Parental Leave: Only 17% of respondents were confident that their workplace offered enhanced parental leave.
  • Parent-Friendly Industry? A huge 83% of respondents felt that hospitality is not a parent-friendly occupation.


The lack of parental support in professional kitchens is a significant factor driving women out of the industry. Hospitality is notorious for its long hours, unpredictable schedules, and a lack of flexibility—making it incredibly difficult for parents, especially mothers, to balance work and childcare. Without parental leave policies that go beyond the legal minimum, many women feel forced to choose between their careers and their families.


Restaurants and hospitality groups that fail to accommodate working parents are not only losing talented chefs but also failing to create a sustainable workforce. More inclusive parental policies would not only benefit women but also encourage a more balanced work environment that attracts a wider talent pool.


“I’m nearly 40 and have put off having children because I can’t see how I could make it work. With maternity pay so poor we wouldn’t be able to cover our expenses”

What comes next?

The findings of this report highlight the entrenched sexism that continues to pervade professional kitchens in the UK. From the lack of authority and recognition to the prevalence of harassment and inadequate parental support, the obstacles faced by female chefs are significant and systemic.

However, the data also suggests a path forward. A majority expressed optimism that changes in policy and management attitudes could create a more inclusive industry. The demand for equal pay, safer work environments, and fair recognition of contributions is not a radical ask—it is a basic requirement for any industry that aspires to professionalism and equity.

In the words of one respondent: “The kitchen doesn’t need more female chefs—it needs a culture that respects the ones it already has.”

By implementing meaningful changes in workplace culture, management accountability, and career progression policies, the hospitality industry can transform itself into a space where all chefs—regardless of gender—can thrive. This report calls on industry leaders, policymakers, and consumers alike to take actionable steps towards this goal.

As part of this survey, we gathered a large number of industry improvement suggestions from the respondents which will form our next report. Please watch this space!

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